Great spot on Groahs Ridge with Cellar Mountain in the distance. |
Groahs Ridge as seen from Big Spy Mountain. |
A Forest Service road led right to the snout of this ridge before reaching a gate, beyond which the road continued to points unknown. I started right up the end of the ridge, which was very steep, just short of having to grab trees to pull myself up - and only barely so at that. It gained about 400’ in elevation over a horizontal distance of only about 600’-700’. It was also heavily covered with mountain laurel, though not discouragingly so. But I like steep climbs, and it was fun, in a sick sort of way. And I knew the grade would ease off quickly when the ridge leveled off.
As expected, it did just that and descended gently into a slight gap. At this point, an obvious path came in from the right and joined the ridgeline. It was pretty obvious, but didn’t look like any sort of a maintained trail. Rather, I assumed it was a well used hunters path. As the ridge began to rise somewhat steeply once again, the path stayed right on it, leading right where I wanted to go. It was vague in spots and had a few trees across it, but it always became obvious again within a few yards until it seemingly fizzled out just below the summit.
Rocky slopes above Spy Run. |
Big Spy Mountain. |
Adams Peak and a fog-filled Great Valley beyond. |
These are two sub-3000’ peaks along the western front of the Blue Ridge and are similarly located to such other nearby peaks as Adams, McClung, Pinnacle, and Peak 2310, which I have found to be very rewarding or even exceptional. Though these two didn’t have any obvious attractions, I had at least some hope they would be worthwhile. Alas, it was not to be - though they were surprisingly difficult. The gated road took me down to Chestnut Sag, then I bushwhacked up to the connecting ridge between my two peaks. It was very rocky, with lots of softball to basketball sized rocks among the larger ones. Many of these were loose and covered by deep leaves. You couldn't tell what you were about to step on, or if it would move. It made for tedious walking. And the last few hundred vertical feet were tree-grabbing steep. After touching the top, I milled around looking for a view, but found nothing. Nor could I see, through the trees, anything promising on Whites Peak excepting some outcrops that were on the wrong side of the mountain and much lower than I was interested in going.
I headed that way anyway and found that Whites was not quite as steep as McClure, but was perhaps even rockier, as well as brushier. I found the benchmark on the summit, but no views even after wandering out the opposite ridge about a quarter mile.
But it had been a good day in the hills anyway with three new peaks. And Groahs Ridge would have been worth the effort of all three by itself.
The Route of the Groahs Ridge hike. To see a larger map click here.
Route of the McClure and Whites Peaks hike. To see a larger map click here.
Hike Stats:
Groahs Ridge - 3.3miles,1592' elevation gain
McClure and Whites Peaks - 5.2miles, 1790' cumulative elevation gain
More pictures from this hike
Groahs Ridge gpx file and maps
McClure and Whites Peaks gpx file and maps
Trailhead coordinates:
Groahs Ridge: 37.9252,-79.1507
Scan QR code to navigate to trailheads with Google Maps on your smartphone:

McClure and Whites Peaks: 37.75875,-79.29177
Scan QR code to navigate to trailheads with Google Maps on your smartphone:
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